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Join the @tonbet channel to banter with other bettors and bankrollers or get support directly from @shotgoal, founder of TONBet.
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Sportsbook Bot
The TONbet Sportsbook Bot is a fully-functioning sportsbook within a Telegram bot. Bettors can /placebet on popular sporting events and unique TONbet-created markets. Bankrollers can /contribute TON to the community sports bankroll and "be the house" vs. bettors. Admin fee is 1% of losing bets.
Bet On Sports
Dice Bot
The TONbet Dice Bot is our proof-of-concept community bankrolled gambling game. A simple dice game with 99% payout, bettors can bet dice against the community dice bankroll and bankrollers can "be the house" vs. the bettors. Admin fee is 0.2% of losing bets.
Roll The Dice